Futuristic vehicles are a passion with most car and bike aficionados. And if the vehicle doesn’t carry any futuristic applications and can actually jump off the drawing board onto the streets then it must carry a far-fetched design. The zanier the design, the more appealing it becomes.
Vers is a concept vehicle that is as appealing as they come. Design by David Vega Santamaria, Vers is a two-seater car with a design that would have your jaws dropping all the way to the floor. Powered by four electric motors, the two seater car has elevated seats to provide for a full view of the road. Each motor is attached to and controls a specific wheel while the rims of the wheels themselves are designed like propellers and act as the cooling system for the car.
The seating position of the car can be altered for different postures and this is done via a fifth motor which also controls other specific details such as opening the doors. Vers is indeed the ideal car of the future, but unfortunately the future isn’t here yet!